While most analysts see prolonged pain for oil prices, one forecasts a rebound for another energy commodity – natural gas. Read more
Tips for Working from Home
When you’re used to driving to the office every day, sitting through long meetings, and sharing a community microwave, working from home can sound pretty darn good. Read more
24% of Your Cable TV Bill Is Just Bogus Fees
Consumer Reports estimates cable industry makes $28 billion a year in misleading surcharges alone.
What’s Changing And Why
Today, more than 3,100 electric utilities in the United States provide approximately 3 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity every year to about 109 million residential customers, 14 million commercial customers, and another half million industrial customers. The total annual cost: about $210 billion. Read more
7 Tips for Maximizing Tax Deductions
When it comes to tax time, anyone running a small business knows, the more deductions you can take, the better. Tax deductions can help reduce the amount you owe to federal, state or local governments. Read more
Energy Sales Into Your Call Center
Introducing a new service into your call center has traditionally been a painstaking task. It requires training, updated tools, licensing – tons of tedious responsibilities and financial investments. Read more
Nevada’s Attempt (and failure) to Deregulate
What Nevada can learn from its attempt (and failure) to deregulate the energy
When Nevada voters head to the polls in 2018, they’ll be given the opportunity to fundamentally reshape the state’s energy market and end NV Energy’s monopoly control of electric service. Read more
Control Vampire Loads
Choosing the right advanced power strip can save up to $100 per year based on your habits to reduce the electricity wasted when your electronic devices are idle.
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Reducing Electricity Use and Costs
Reducing energy use in your home saves you money, increases our energy security, and reduces the pollution that is emitted from non-renewable sources of energy. Read more
Considerations to Make Before Winter
It’s that time of year again. The fall season is winding down and we’re about to hit the thick of winter. Are you ready to stay warm and cozy, or does your home need a once over to be prepared? A final run at refreshing your living space before winter can pay real dividends. Here are a few ideas.