9:AM – 5:PM

Monday to Friday

Dallas, Texas 75001

Houston, Texas 77001

(833) 4MY-RATE

October 23, 2024

9:AM – 5:PM

Monday to Friday

Dallas, Texas 75001

Houston, Texas 77001

(833) 4MY-RATE

Lighting Retrofitting

Instantly Reduce Energy Usage and Your Electric Bill with Lighting Retrofitting

Have you ever actually taken the time to analyze the amount of electricity your organization’s lighting consumes?

Whether you own a business, your own home, or work in the public sector, you are so busy with day-to-day operations that you may not realize how much money your organization wastes on inefficient lighting solutions each month. For some of our customers, this number is at hundreds, or even thousands of dollars each month.

By simply implementing an LED lighting solution, you can save yourself up to 35% per month immediately.

How Our Lighting Retrofitting Service Works

We will analyze your entire lighting system and address all inefficiencies discovered. We might recommend you to replace inefficient lamps and ballasts, add reflectors, or remove inefficient lamps entirely.

Every organization receives a custom solution – no two organizations are the same.

In addition to custom solutions, our energy consultants also:

  1. Use Our 10 Years of Experience to Your Advantage – After our consultants have seen everything and after they talk with you to gain an understanding of your problems and goals, they will provide you with the solution that helps you save the most over the long-term.
  2. Find More Ways to Help You Save Money – Lighting retrofitting may be a significant step in the right direction towards energy savings, but you might benefit from additional services. Energy rate and analysis monitoring and contract negotiation may extend your savings farther. If we see an opportunity to help you save, we will let you know.
  3. Begin a Bidding War to Help You Secure the Best Rates – We have relationships with all major retail electric providers. Once we know your energy needs, we submit your information to all major REPs for bids. We then leverage those bids to help you receive the best deal on energy rates that is possible in the current market and we will notify you if a better deal becomes available in the future.

Start Saving Now and Use those Wasted Funds for Better Purposes

No matter what type of organization you run – nonprofit, public service, business, or if you own your home, we can help you free up some funds that would otherwise pay energy expenses.

What could you do with extra money each month?

Let us help you, call (833) 4MY-RATE to start saving today!
